Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 2

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental concept in the English language that can make or break the clarity and coherence of your writing. The importance of mastering this concept cannot be overstated, as subject-verb agreement errors can result in confusion or even misinterpretation by your audience.

To help you test your understanding of subject-verb agreement, we`ve created a second quiz to challenge your knowledge and skills. This quiz builds on the concepts covered in our first quiz, so if you haven`t taken it yet, we recommend doing so before diving into this one.

Quiz Instructions:

– Read each sentence carefully and identify the subject and the verb.

– Decide whether the subject and the verb agree in terms of number (singular or plural).

– Choose the correct answer from the four options provided.

Ready to get started? Let`s dive in!


1. Either the students or the teacher ________ responsible for the mistake.

a. are

b. is

c. were

d. was

2. Each of the students ________ to finish the project by Friday.

a. need

b. needs

c. needed

d. have needed

3. The manager and his assistant ________ to be busy all day.

a. seems

b. seem

c. seemed

d. have seemed

4. The new dress code ________ a lot of controversy among the employees.

a. cause

b. causes

c. caused

d. had caused

5. Neither of the candidates ________ to have enough experience for the job.

a. appear

b. appears

c. appearing

d. have appeared

6. The group of tourists ________ the guide`s instructions carefully.

a. follow

b. follows

c. followed

d. had followed

7. The cat, along with its kittens, ________ in the barn.

a. sleep

b. sleeps

c. slept

d. had slept

8. My aunt, who is a doctor, ________ me a lot about healthy eating habits.

a. teach

b. teaches

c. taught

d. had taught

9. The committee members, as well as the chairman, ________ to attend the meeting.

a. plan

b. plans

c. planned

d. had planned

10. A cup of hot chocolate and a slice of cake ________ my favorite dessert.

a. is

b. are

c. were

d. have been


1. b. is

2. b. needs

3. b. seem

4. b. causes

5. b. appears

6. b. follows

7. b. sleeps

8. b. teaches

9. c. planned

10. a. is

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of effective writing, and mastering it takes practice. By using quizzes like the one above, you can strengthen your skills and increase your confidence in your writing. With time and effort, you`ll be sure to improve your writing and communicate your ideas more effectively.